Siege Tour it’s a great way to learn more about Sarajevo and Bosnia & Herzegovina history.
Time – Then & Now- Yugoslavia period, fall of Komunizam regime, ’90s independent days of republics and Life during the Longest Siege in Sarajevo.
Beginning of our tour starts from your hotel, and best way to introduce Sarajevo to you is to start with panorama view from White Bastion above the old town Baščaršija, so that you can get clear understanding how Sarajevo looks like. We honestly believe that the best way to learn and feel the war situation, is to show to you the spots in the city where everything actually happened during the Siege in the city.
After introduction of the city, we will pass through town and show to you:
– Vijećnica (Library – City Hall)
– Markale Market massacre sites
– Sarajevo Children Memorial
– Presidency House of Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Parliament Building of Bosnia and Herzegovina
– Holiday Inn hotel – Sniper alley (famous sniper alley in Sarajevo)
– ex Marshal Tito Military Barracks
– TV house of Bosnia and Herzegovina
– End of the Town during the Siege
– Air Port Sarajevo- UN Base
– Tunnel of Hope, 6 meters below the airport, which was the major “blood line” (the only way out) for heavily and destroyed city – the War Tunnel Museum. At the Tunnel and all the way of tour you will manage to get first hand experience of guide and people who survived the Siege and War. You will manage to learn all about the origins of the War on Balkans, the dreams and politics that Serbian leaders have had.
Also, the way how they succeeded to seduce large number of Serbian nationalist throughout the whole Balkans, and start the war. Story about the Tunnel, Exhibition, Ideas, we shall see a short movie about the War in Sarajevo and Tunnel, and going through the Tunnel itself.
Before we leave the Museum, you will manage to see and learn more about land-mines, how to recognize and avoid them on the grounds.
After Tunnel we are heading through the East Sarajevo (Republic of Srpska Kanton) in direction of Olympic Mountain Trebevic (Winter Olympic games-1984).
On the way you will manage to see and experience great scenery, from first War-line (Bunkers, Sniper nest, Minefields), Olympic monuments-Sarajevo Bobsleigh, Panorama view-Vidikovac and many other locations that was used during the Siege period. Mountain Trebevic is like a time capsule, with the war scares more then 20 years.
With the great panoramic view you will get a clear picture, how was it to be & live inside of city during the Siege times, and also to understand how everything was planed and who head better positions during the war. By the end of the tour, we will finish in the Old Town Baščaršija on the square or at your hotel, it is up to the quests.